A rare fractional dinar of al-Husayn ibn Tahir
Los 3646
ISLAMIC, Persia (Pre-Seljuq). Saffarids. al-Husayn ibn Tahir, third reign, AH 369-371 / AD 980-982. Fractional Dinar (Gold, 12 mm, 1.30 g, 10 h), Sijistan, date off flan. Within a circle, ‘li-llāh / Muḥammad / rasūl / Allāh’ (‘For Allah. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah’ in Arabic); in the margin, ‘lā ilāha illā All[āh waḥdahū lā] sharīka lahū’ (‘There is no deity but Allah, the One, there is no partner to Him’ in Arabic). Rev. Citing the ʿAbbasid caliph al-Taʾiʿ lillah (AH 363-381 / AD 974-991) within a circle, ‘al-Ṭāʾiʿ lillāh / al-Ḥusayn ibn / Ṭāhir’ (‘al-Taʾiʿ lillah. al-Husayn son of Tahir’ in Arabic); in the margin, the mint and date formula of which only Sijistan is legible. Album 1419.1. Rare. Struck on a somewhat short flan as usual, otherwise, extremely fine.

From the Asha & Ardeshir Dabestani Collection, formed over the past four decades.
25 CHF
320 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 16-Jul-24, 12:23:30 CEST
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